Wednesday, May 11, 2005

August: Troy is Lost (and Found)

August, 2004

At some point during one of Santa's high speed drives, Troy apparently fell out of the sleigh (or got left behind at a gas station--we're not really sure). After days of searching the world over, Santa finally called in the US Special Forces for assistance. No one is quite sure how Troy ended up in a fox hole in Iraq, or why he was there, however, he was found. It even made world-wide headlines! What irritated Santa the most wasn't the fact that Troy got lost, but the smug little grin he had on his face when he was found, as if the young man was saying, "Ha-ha! You had to get HELP to find me!" You'll find it captured perfectly in the photo.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This site rocks!!!!

7:53 AM  

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