Thursday, May 05, 2005

June: Mt. Rushmore

June, 2004

One beautifully sunny day, Santa decided he wanted to whisk Troy off to Mount Rushmore to gaze into the stony eyes of a few of the greatest men of our country. Secretly, Santa was hoping that Troy would look in awe at the large work of art and learn a little humility. (After driving the new sleigh for a few weeks, Troy became slightly egotistical.) However, the exact opposite happened: while posing for this photo in front of the mountain, Troy decided his image should be included in those noble rock faces. You'll be happy to learn that no amount of bribery was able to buy a stone mason to work the rock. Troy harbored the notion that he would carve the bust himself, but after reading how long so many men worked just to have those four faces up there, he decided it wasn't really worth the effort.

Fine Print: Some original images may have copyrights belonging to people other than the creators of Troy's Travels, and as such, no image on this website may be downloaded or copied. Troy did not actually go on these supposed travels, much to his dismay. He is simply the victim of an evil office war that has taken a lighthearted turn for the worse. Please keep him in your prayers as
we continue to send him around the world.


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