Tuesday, May 03, 2005

About Troy's Travels

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, there was a small village called...
Oh, my bad. That's the wrong story. Please allow me to start over.

Ahem. In early 2004, a small fight broke out between the star of our show (Troy) and a coworker. In an effort to get back at Troy for his antagonistic ways, the coworker found an incredibly geeky picture of Troy on the company intranet and added some interesting details (such as a swashbuckling moustache) to it through Adobe Photoshop.

Troy immediately responded by finding a picture of her and making her look like one of Santa's elves. Of course, this immediately sparked another response.

This time, however, she had help from another coworker, Lars. Lars helped her paste Troy's photo into another equally degrading image. Soon afterward, this became a game. Troy even enlisted Lars' help, despite the fact that he had helped the enemy.

The Italy pictures stem from Troy's evil attempt to poke fun at his own brother. His brother was set to go to Italy the next day, and Lars pasted Troy's image into some photos of famous Italian landmarks so Troy could taunt his brother about travelling there first.

As a result of the boys' game, Troy's Travels has been founded--an effort to perpetuate the ongoing lighthearted battle at the office. We hope that you will enjoy travelling with us on Troy's great adventures with Santa.

Fine Print: Some original images may have copyrights belonging to people other than the creators of Troy's Travels, and as such, no image on this website may be downloaded or copied. Troy did not actually go on these supposed travels, much to his dismay. He is simply the victim of an evil office war that has taken a lighthearted turn for the worse. Please keep him in your prayers as
we continue to send him around the world.


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