Wednesday, May 11, 2005

August: Troy is Lost (and Found)

August, 2004

At some point during one of Santa's high speed drives, Troy apparently fell out of the sleigh (or got left behind at a gas station--we're not really sure). After days of searching the world over, Santa finally called in the US Special Forces for assistance. No one is quite sure how Troy ended up in a fox hole in Iraq, or why he was there, however, he was found. It even made world-wide headlines! What irritated Santa the most wasn't the fact that Troy got lost, but the smug little grin he had on his face when he was found, as if the young man was saying, "Ha-ha! You had to get HELP to find me!" You'll find it captured perfectly in the photo.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

July: Italy

July, 2004

Claiming an effort to teach Troy a little history, Santa suggested Italy as their next destination. It has been discovered, however, that Santa's choice of history involved visiting all of the, "grape gardens"... in the country. Troy did manage to convince the jolly elf that there actually are other things in Italy besides its magnificent wine. (It is understood that a good deal of this convincing came after one particularly tasty wine proved Santa's undoing and Troy found out that Santa does have his un-jolly moments.) After they finally managed to leave the lush green valleys of grapes, the two men had a very good time exploring the old monuments and cities full of rich heritage.

June: Mt. Rushmore

June, 2004

One beautifully sunny day, Santa decided he wanted to whisk Troy off to Mount Rushmore to gaze into the stony eyes of a few of the greatest men of our country. Secretly, Santa was hoping that Troy would look in awe at the large work of art and learn a little humility. (After driving the new sleigh for a few weeks, Troy became slightly egotistical.) However, the exact opposite happened: while posing for this photo in front of the mountain, Troy decided his image should be included in those noble rock faces. You'll be happy to learn that no amount of bribery was able to buy a stone mason to work the rock. Troy harbored the notion that he would carve the bust himself, but after reading how long so many men worked just to have those four faces up there, he decided it wasn't really worth the effort.

Fine Print: Some original images may have copyrights belonging to people other than the creators of Troy's Travels, and as such, no image on this website may be downloaded or copied. Troy did not actually go on these supposed travels, much to his dismay. He is simply the victim of an evil office war that has taken a lighthearted turn for the worse. Please keep him in your prayers as
we continue to send him around the world.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

May: the Indianapolis 500

May, 2004
Troy at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway

Troy with the Green Team
Memorial Day weekend, Troy and Santa returned home to Indianapolis to watch The Race. Standing in the middle of the track proved bad for the health. Troy with the Red Team(Santa reportedly had a broken foot from tripping over a wrench left in one of the pits. After exclaiming that the forgetful mechanic would get no toys for Christmas this year, he left for Methodist Hospital to have it bound up.) Much to Troy's delight, not only did he get to drive Santa's new sleigh for the next several weeks, he was also given the opportunity to drive two of the race cars. He came in last place both times.

April: Miller Park Opening Day, Milwaukee WI

April, 2004
Troy at Miller Park

At the urging of his good friend Lars, Troy decided to visit Lars' hometown of Waukesha, WI for a little relaxation. While he visited there, he discovered that the Brewers opening day was that week and decided to catch a little ball--literally. No matter how hard Santa tried to convince him otherwise, Troy was determined that he would catch a homerun ball outside the park. He also heard a rumor that Miller Brewing Company had pipelined their beer directly to the park, so Troy decided to try to find out if the rumor was true. Sadly, the Brewers lost 13-7 against Houston. Perhaps having Santa and Troy there made them nervous.

March: Antarctica

March, 2004
Troy in Antarctica

March was a rough month for the home town of Indy. One day it would be seventy degrees, and a day later there would be snow on the ground yet AGAIN. Troy and Santa got fed up with the whirlygig temperatures, so they flew off in the sleigh to somewhere more constant--Antarctica. Again, we're not really sure who made the decision to go someplace colder rather than warmer. Clearly, the boys were not thinking properly. When asked why they decided to head to the southernmost continent, Troy replied that they had heard everyone talking about heading south for the winter--so they did. Far south. This reporter declined comment after that statement. Santa reportedly shortened the stay when he realized how very blue and white the area is. He is much more comfortable in red.

February: Hockey in Indianapolis

February, 2004
Troy Drives a Zamboni

Seeing as how February was the snowiest month in Indianapolis in decades, Troy and Santa decided to head indoors to get a little warmer. I'm not really sure who chose hockey as a warmer activity, but suffice it to say that they really didn't warm up that much. They did get to the rink -really- early, though. Santa really amazed everyone by being there since it wasn't Christmas, so the crew catered to their every need, thinking it was a surprise inspection. Santa chuckled mightily when Troy suggested it was because he himself was such an important person in town. Troy's inner child had a shining moment when someone suggested that he drive the zamboni. Unfortunately for the poor hockey players, Troy really isn't a very good driver, so there were numerous deep grooves left in the ice from the previous game. The game was put on hold momentarily while the real driver resurfaced the ice.

Fine Print: Some original images may have copyrights belonging to people other than the creators of Troy's Travels, and as such, no image on this website may be downloaded or copied. Troy did not actually go on these supposed travels, much to his dismay. He is simply the victim of an evil office war that has taken a lighthearted turn for the worse. Please keep him in your prayers as
we continue to send him around the world.

January: Hawaii

January, 2004

Troy in Hawaii

In an effort to shed some winter blahs, Troy and Santa travelled to one of the best-loved vacation hot-spots in America: the sandy beaches of Hawaii. Troy was inspired to try his hand at surfing, but he found out quickly that he was in danger of losing his name badge. So, instead of playing in the rough waters of the ocean, he wandered along the river banks gazing at the waterfalls. His guide and travel companion, Santa, however, stayed at the beach flirting with the girls and learning to snorkle. (We are under strict confidence not to disclose the former sport with Mrs. Claus, as she can have an insanely jealous streak. We hope you will concede to Mr. Claus' wishes.)

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Troy's Christmas Present From Santa

Christmas, 2003
Troy and Santa's New Sleigh

Troy (right) was a very good boy this year. So, as his present, Santa (left) gave him a trip to anywhere in the world Troy wanted to go. Unfortunately for Santa, Troy couldn't make up his mind. Since the young man was especially good, and Santa really didn't have anything else to do for the next 364 days,the jolly elf caved in and shuttled Troy around the world. Santa realized belatedly that 2004 is a Leap Year, and so he actually was obligated to travel with Troy for 365 days. (An elf who wishes to remain anonymous stated that Santa really justed wanted an excuse to get away from Mrs. Claus who has been especially moody lately as she has been going through "the Change." However, several reindeer in Santa's employ have refuted these claims saying that any woman would be moody if her husband were out all night only to come back tired, disheveled, and ready for a long winter's nap. Mr. and Mrs. Claus were unavailable for comment. Troy has stated that he saw no ill feelings expressed between the jolliest of couples.) This website is dedicated to the documentation of those joyful days, and it is our hope that you will be able to live vicariously through Troy's Travels.

About Troy's Travels

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, there was a small village called...
Oh, my bad. That's the wrong story. Please allow me to start over.

Ahem. In early 2004, a small fight broke out between the star of our show (Troy) and a coworker. In an effort to get back at Troy for his antagonistic ways, the coworker found an incredibly geeky picture of Troy on the company intranet and added some interesting details (such as a swashbuckling moustache) to it through Adobe Photoshop.

Troy immediately responded by finding a picture of her and making her look like one of Santa's elves. Of course, this immediately sparked another response.

This time, however, she had help from another coworker, Lars. Lars helped her paste Troy's photo into another equally degrading image. Soon afterward, this became a game. Troy even enlisted Lars' help, despite the fact that he had helped the enemy.

The Italy pictures stem from Troy's evil attempt to poke fun at his own brother. His brother was set to go to Italy the next day, and Lars pasted Troy's image into some photos of famous Italian landmarks so Troy could taunt his brother about travelling there first.

As a result of the boys' game, Troy's Travels has been founded--an effort to perpetuate the ongoing lighthearted battle at the office. We hope that you will enjoy travelling with us on Troy's great adventures with Santa.

Fine Print: Some original images may have copyrights belonging to people other than the creators of Troy's Travels, and as such, no image on this website may be downloaded or copied. Troy did not actually go on these supposed travels, much to his dismay. He is simply the victim of an evil office war that has taken a lighthearted turn for the worse. Please keep him in your prayers as
we continue to send him around the world.